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The Australian National Curriculum, developed by ACARA, states that, by the end of Year 3, students should be able to do the following:
- recognise the connection between addition and subtraction.
- solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication.
- model and represent unit fractions.
- represent money values in various ways.
- identify symmetry in the environment.
- match positions on maps with given information.
- recognise angles in real life situations.
- interpret and compare data displays.
- count to and from 10 000.
- classify numbers as either even or odd.
- recall addition and multiplication facts for single digit numbers.
- correctly count out change from financial transactions.
- continue number patterns involving addition and subtraction.
- use metric units for length, mass and capacity.
- tell the time to the nearest minute.
- make models of three-dimensional objects.
- conduct chance experiments and list possible outcomes.
- carry out simple data investigations.