Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary 6th Edition

Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary 6th Edition

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The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary is Australia'’s bestselling dictionary. Extensive and versatile, this dictionary is firmly established as Australia’s favourite reference in schools, homes and offices. This much-anticipated new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with hundreds of new words you won’t find in any other Australian dictionary. It provides extensive and unrivalled coverage of Australian English for a dictionary in this format.
  • Over 60,000 headwords
  • Comprehensive coverage of standard English, based on the resources of the Oxford English Dictionary, the world’s largest and best dictionary
  • Comprehensive coverage of Australian English based on the resources of The Australian National Dictionary, the historical record of the more than 12,000 words, senses and idioms that make up the Australian contribution to the English language
  • Australian words and meanings are labelled Aust.
  • Comprehensive coverage of Australian English, flora and fauna and terms of historical importance
  • Borrowings from Aboriginal languages are identified and (where known) the particular Aboriginal language is acknowledged
  • The location of each Aboriginal language is given on a map at the end of the dictionary
  • Pronunciation given for words which may cause problems, using a respelling system with minimal special symbols
  • Guidance on grammar, syntax, punctuation and style is given in special panels
  • Notes are given on disputed and controversial usage
New features
  • Hundreds of new words that reflect the important areas of contemporary word creation
  • New words, general terms and colloquialisms in areas such as computing, the internet, mobile phones, the environment, international politics, popular culture, food, international culture, Australian culture and Australian Aboriginal languages.