Reading Box Yellow

Reading Box Yellow


Product Info



Teachers 4 Teachers


Teachers 4 Teachers



Reading Scheme Name

Reading Box

Reading Scheme Colour


Reading Box Yellow was designed for students in Years 1 and 2. Just like Reading Boxes red, blue and green, Reading Box Yellow includes 150 high quality illustrated cards spanning over 15 expertly graded levels. The Yellow Reading Box also functions as a self managing classroom resource.

What makes Reading Box Yellow different to Reading Box Blue?

Reading Box Yellow:

  • was designed to cater for all reading abilities in infant school classrooms, from emergent readers to highly capable readers.

  • is the first Reading Box to feature six frame illustrated cards. These six frame cards feature in the first four levels of the Yellow Reading Box.

  • has word counts from 50 to 430 words. While working with the Yellow Box, young readers will not lose concentration reading a text that exceeds their attention span.

  • Covers levels 6 to 27+


Key Points of Reading Box Yellow

  • Is expertly leveled

  • covers levels 6 to 27+

  • Reading ages 5.6 to 10.1

  • Suitable for individualised learning

  • Includes highly motivational texts

  • Great for boys and girls

  • NAPLAN style questioning

  • Great for all readers including reluctant readers

  • Self managing / group work

  • Covers all text type

    • narratives

    • Reports 

    • Descriptions 

    • Recounts 

    • Explanations

    • Poetry 

    • Expositions

    • Procedures

    • Visual texts

Reading Box Yellow

Low Reading Level:

Reading Box Yellow

Medium Reading Level:

Reading Box Yellow

High Reading Level:

Reading Box Yellow