Explore number operations and the relationships between them using mental, written and calculator methods, and investigate strategies for checking results. Sixty four pages of maths activities featuring real-life and theoretical contexts; with each task carefully graded, and the level of difficulty progressing from Book 1 through to Book 3. Includes teacher's notes, and answers for time-efficient marking.
Topics Included:
Understanding Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
Using the Laws of Arithmetic
Using the Order of Operations including Brackets
Rapid Recall of Number Facts
Recall Known Facts including Factors
Powers, Roots, Units of Measurement and Formulae
Fraction to Decimal Conversions
Mental Strategies of Calculation- Four Operations, Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
Presenting and Interpreting Solutions
Justifying Inferences and Explaining Reasoning
Identifying Necessary Information to Solve Word Problems
Using the Calculator Function Keys to Sign Change Roots, Fractions and Brackets
Interpreting Calculator Displays in Different Contexts
Checking a Result using Order of Magnitude
Working Backwards to Check a Result.