Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Book 3 Yrs 5 & 6

Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Book 3 Yrs 5 & 6


Product Info



RIC Blackline Masters & Boxes

‘This morning I ate a whole piece of toast!’, ‘I can swim half the length of a swimming pool!’ … Without realising it, children are constantly boasting through fractions; they are an integral part of life! Teaching through the proficiency strands of Understanding, Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning, Australian Curriculum Mathematics is a must-have resource for any teacher wanting their students to learn about fractions and decimals, and how they are applied in everyday life.

Each book in this amazing series features:

  • Australian Curriculum links
  • a large variety of activities
  • teachers notes
  • warm-up activity ideas
  • hands-on tasks
  • blackline master worksheets
  • assessment tasks
  • checklists