INDIVIDUAL SET - Main Fiction Level 3 – Books 1 – 20
Introduces: b, h, f, l, j, v, w, x, y, z
20 Books – 1 copy of each title
Level 3 includes a complimentary teacher guide on Prior Knowledge explaining the benefits of activating prior knowledge and how our Level 3 readers help to do this.
Our prior knowledge is a combination of what we know, what we believe, and what we have experienced. Young children, who are learning to read, have not yet had the opportunity to build a wealth of prior experiences and knowledge. As parents and teachers, it is our responsibility to help provide opportunities and experiences, and share information for children to learn about the world in which they live.
Each Level 3 book contains pre-reading discussion questions, information about the theme of the story and an introduction to the sight words within each story.
The post-reading activities have been provided to ensure that children have made connections and understood the text, and to explicitly teach new vocabulary.
‘The SECRET of getting kids to read..... Give them books they CAN actually read!’
Beginner readers need beginner books that are interesting and engaging.
The books created by the Decodable Readers Australia team:
- Support the teaching of synthetic phonics
- Teach reading systematically
- Engage learners through fun Aussie characters and the exploration of Australia
- Explicitly teach vocabulary and how to read fluently
- Develop comprehension through checking for understanding
Designed to be introduced alongside your explicit phonics teaching to develop rapid code recognition, fluency and most importantly, confidence.
Decodable Readers Australia are the only beginner reading series to:
- Includes 30 books in each sound set
- Ensure only minimal sight words are used within the text
- Engage children in Australian themed stories
- Embrace the 5 essential components of learning to read –
- Phonemic Awareness,
- Phonics
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary and
- Fluency
- Provide essential knowledge for teachers/parents through guided instruction booklets and teacher directed activities within each level