Different events mark Australia Day on 26 January each year. In 1988 Indigenous Australians and supporters gathered in Sydney to celebrate the survival of their unique cultures, and so Survival Day was born. Celebrating Survival Day invites us to a Survival Day concert to experience voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as they express their cultures and identities through music and dance.
First Australians: Plenty Stories is a collaboration between the National Museum of Australia and Rigby to provide primary classrooms with a comprehensive resource to successfully implement Australian Indigenous studies. This resource has been developed to enable teachers to approach the teaching of Indigenous culture and issues with confidence.
the series is structured with three connecting themes
the series draws on a diverse range of sources to tell the stories of significant issues that have faced and are still facing Australian Indigenous peoples
clearly structured texts include appropriate content and vocabulary support to engage students and maximise learning
comprehensive teacher support with lessons, activities and blackline masters
texts are relevant for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students