Business for QCE Units 1 & 2: Creation and Growth comprehensively covers the new QCAA Business General Senior Syllabus being implemented at Units 1 & 2 in 2019 and explicitly addresses the syllabus and unit objectives using the inquiry approach, with integration of the underpinning factors throughout.
By following the progression of the business life cycle from seed to post-maturity stage, students are provided with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of business with extensive explanation of concepts and theories.
Units 1 & 2
1 Business for QCE essentials
2 Fundamentals of business
3 Leadership and management
Case study 1: Fundamentals of bsuiness
4 Ideas and innovation
5 The viability of ideas
Case study 2: Creation of business ideas
6 Start-up regulation and financing
7 Engaging staff
Case study 3: Establishment of a business
8 Role and influences of marketing
9 Understanding markets and strategies
10 Operational processes and systems
Case study 4: Entering markets