Acheive! Maths Graphs Number Patterns & Algebra

Acheive! Maths Graphs Number Patterns & Algebra

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Blake Education





While very suitable for the regular classroom, each of the Achieve! series of Maths titles has been written at a literacy level that makes the pages appropriate for secondary school students who, because of poor reading skills, may struggle to comprehend regular classroom materials. This book is divided into five units, each of which focuses on a topic or set of skills to do with graphs, number patterns or algebra. The CD contains all the pages that are featured in the book, as well as a file of illustrations that can be used for other activity sheets. The activity sheets are provided as interactive PDFs, which are ideal for use on interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and laptops. Teachers should note that students can save their answers and any other changes they make. For greater accuracy, questions that require students to measure, circle or draw should be completed on hard copies or on the IWB using the IWB tools. Topics include: - Reading graphs - Divided bar graphs - Divisibility and factors - Square numbers and square roots - Building patterns - Using pattern rules - Describing number patterns - Writing rules using symbols - Writing algebraic expressions - Multiplying with pronumerals